Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Twitter Hashtags for Job Seekers

#hireme: Dont beat around the bush. #Hireme is short, sweet, and to the point.#MBA: Have an MBA? Shout it out in a hashtag to direct employers to your top-shelf business acumen.#linkedin: If youre unemployed, youre no doubt already networking away on LinkedIn, so let them know you have a viewable profile.  If youd like to attract top employers to your LinkedIn profile, check out Joshuas LinkedIn Writing Service.#profile: While youre at it, go ahead and tag profile too, and couple it with #facebook, #linkedin, #monster, or any other place your details are posted on the internet.#unemployed: Its what you are, so own it and let employers know you are totally available for engagement.#resume: If youre tweeting about your resume posted online, be sure to hashtag it.#CV:  Curriculum vitae  is basically a more fleshed-out résumé, but  #resume  is nearly twice as popular. Use both to be safe.#needajob: Thousands of the unemployed have tacked this phrase onto the end of their tweets in the hopes an employer will stumble across it in a search.To Educate YourselfThese tags may not directly land you a job, but they will enlighten you on the latest trends in finding, keeping, and enjoying a job.#jobtips: By far the best search phrase in this category, it will load you up with more good job advice than you could ever read.#career: At half a million tags, searching #career will score you some job listings and tons of helpful guidance for your professional life.#interview: Hiring companies dont use this word as much, but interview and interviews are still helpful because they turn up a wealth of advice from fellow tweeters on making your best possible first impression.#benefits: Knowing what to expect in the way of benefits is a good weapon to have heading into an interview.#personalbranding: Do a search for this hashtag to find ideas and tips on selling yourself in the job market.#compensation: If you know the going rate for whatever you do, you are much less likely to be t aken advantage of.#training: Searching for training is a good way to find great, free job training resources.#jobhunt: A search for this tag brings up mainly advice on job searching, but there will be a healthy smattering of job postings, too.#unemployment: This tag has been used more than 100,000 times by users tweeting about unemployment news, ways to combat unemployment, and jobs to pull you out of unemployment.#employers: They may not be tweeting about themselves, but plenty of employees and commentators are tweeting news and reviews of employers and their practices.#jobless: Curious about whats going on with others in your predicament? Search for this commonly-used tag and find out.#laidoff: Its the same idea as #jobless, except it has more of a sad connotation. If you want to commiserate with some other people about searching for that elusive job, this is the tag to search.To Find a Certain Type of JobIf you don’t want just any old job, try searching these hashtags for that special placement you have in mind.#freelance: This is a hugely popular tag used by job hunters who want to leave the option of part-time, freelance work open.#homebusiness: If youre eyeing a job being self-employed, try searching this term for entrepreneurship ideas and tips.#greenjobs: Heres one for the truly unselfish people who put the environment before employment.#dreamjob: If you aren’t sure what you want to do with your life, search this tag and get some ideas of what other people would do if they had their druthers.#hotjobs: Hot jobs call for a hot hashtag.#consulting: Another in the potentially temporary job category, #consulting is a nice tag to widen your net and earn some income.#consultant: It might seem silly to use two tags that say virtually the same thing, but those three letters might make the difference in connecting you with your new employer.Hottest Tags by FieldIf you work in one of these industries, you are in a trending field, which could be good (lots of job listings) or bad (lots of competition).#SEO: SEO is another one that has been tagged millions of times by job seekers and tweeters discussing search engine optimization.#webdesign: Clocking in at nearly a million uses all-time, #webdesign is another hot topic on Twitter.#accounting: If youre an accountant, you are in luck, as job listings in your field pop up regularly on Twitter.#telecom: Telecommunications is another field with a strong showing on Twitter; its been used in hashtags more than 81,000 times.#legal: We live in a litigious society, and the need for paralegals and other non-lawyers is  increasing. Its a great career to consider because paralegal certification can be obtained relatively quickly.#lawyer: The number of lawyers in America has  surged  in the last 10 years, which explains why this tag is such a popular one in the Twitterverse.#industry: Pair this with another tag like #music or #hotel and youll find listings and info on your area of expertise.#salesjobs: You dont have to pound the pavement looking for a sales job; just do a search for this popular tag on Twitter.To Search When You Have a Couple HoursYoull need to free up your morning to adequately search through these tags.#jobs: Youve probably been wondering when this word would come up. The tags been used all of  14 million  times all-time, for everything from political discussion to job listings. Your best bet is to search it with another tag from this list.#job: Although it has registered only half the uses as #jobs (7 million), the singular version calls up more listings and wont take you as long to sort through.#design: Because its a generic word, #design has been  hashtagged  a healthy 2 million times, so if you work in design be sure to supplement tweets with at least one other tag.Thanks go to  topsy.com  for the usage stats included in this list.

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